We're pleased to announce the recent launch of "LIFT Perspectives," TCCRI's source for thoughtful commentary and policy discussions from TCCRI staff. Guided by the LIFT Principles of Limited Government, Individual Liberty, Free Enterprise, and Traditional Values, LIFT Perspectives will weigh in on a broad range of topics through a conservative lens. Posts from the last month include:
A Shake Up at LBB is Long Overdue - Tom Aldred, Executive Director
Texas Legislature Protects Religious Belief from Government Discrimination - TCCRI Staff
The End of Red Light Cameras in Texas - TCCRI Staff
The Elimination of Rolling Voting Protects Election Integrity - Russell H. Withers, General Counsel
Women Vote - International Day of the Girl - Mia McCord, President
Protecting the Right to Work - TCCRI Staff
Welcome to Texas. Please Vote Accordingly - Tom Aldred, Executive Director
Homelessness in Austin - Beyond the Policy - Mia McCord, President
Remembering the Silent Generation - Mia McCord, President
Our "Part-Time" Legislature Limits the Growth of Government - Russell Withers, General Counsel
Pelosi's Price Controls are a Prescription for Disaster - TCCRI Staff